CALL US NOW  Bath: 01225 729060
Bristol: 0117 303 5174 Cheltenham: 01242 386620

Grubby carpets or upholstery? Let us bust your grime…


Competitive rates, satisfaction guaranteed


Grimebusters have worked with colleges, schools and universities over many years


Our flexible workforce is experienced in operating in most commercial arenas.

Local, fast and friendly, and a cheeky freebie

Grimebusters are Bath, Bristol, Cotswold and Oxfordshire's premier carpet, rug and upholstery cleaners.

We are an independent local firm. We do not charge the exorbitant rates of franchises. Nor are we tied to any particular franchised cleaning system. Grimebusters can offer you a real choice of cleaning systems to suit your particular needs - and all at unbeatable rates! Let our uniformed technicians provide you with a fast, efficient and friendly service, to restore your carpets or upholstery in the most effective manner. 

We specialise in the very latest low moisture carpet cleaning methods.  Far, far more effective than the wet vac / steam cleaning systems operated by almost all other local cleaners and - literally - 10 times drier !

And there will be no more worrying about future spillages, with our FREE anti-stain treatment as standard on every carpet we clean. 

No other local carpet cleaners can offer you all this. 

And at a great price.


Carpets dry enough to walk on within half an hour and NO wet dog smell

We hope Grimebusters will be your first choice for professional carpet cleaning, rug cleaning and upholstery cleaning throughout Bath, Bristol, Cotswold's and Oxfordshire. 

We offer you professional carpet, rug and upholstery cleaning in Bath, Bristol, Cheltenham, Cirencester, Keynsham, Chippenham and all surrounding areas.

Please call any of the local offices and we will be delighted to offer you a free and highly competitive estimate.

Bath: 01225 729060    Bristol: 0117 303 5174
Cheltenham: 01242 386620


As always, very impressed at the way you got on with the job and your pleasant manner.

– Mr R, Woodstock

Oh joy! Beautiful carpets! Thank you so much.

– Ms E, Kirtlington

10 out of 10. Will recommend you to everyone. Cannot fault your work.

– Mrs J, Abingdon

Everything I expected, and more!

– Mrs S, Abingdon

Your service is as good as ever - very efficient.

– Mrs S, Oxford
Why us...
  • Over 30 years of providing the unbeatable service to our local custommers

  • Free estimates

  • Friendly, professional service

  • Fully insured for your protection

  • Our unique low moisture process gives amazing results, carpets are usable in less than an hour


Call us